Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mary Kay Cosmetics

What to say about Mary Kay? Mary Kay is changing everything! If you are a fan of Mary Kay, you probably have all the little eye shadows that pop in and out of your compact. I do. And to my surprise, they are changing the compacts and the shape of everything! So now we have to start over! Man??!! But, there is good news! The new compact will have a place for everything. You will be able to hold some of everything in one compact. Before you throw everything you have out, come to the boutique! Mary Kay Consultant, Cari, is bring old and new. She will have discontinued items available at discounted prices and new products available to get you started on your new look! You have to see it all! It's so fun. Who doesn't need a new lip color for spring? I know I do. And, she will have great Mother's Day ideas, too. Like, Satin Hands. Have you ever tried Mary Kay's Satin Hands? It's a four step moisturizing pampering for your hands. And, it works wonders on your feet. So, join the fun this Saturday! Check out Cari's Mary Kay web site early so you can come prepared: