Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Miche Bags

Okay, so I know you all know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Miche Bag! So Lucky for you, they will be available at the boutique! Oh, yes. They will be there! Did I tell you I love mine? I do. And, because the Miche Bag representative that is coming (Kristi) loves you all so much, she is bringing with her special boutique prices! And, there will be Miche Bag products in our give away. Seriously, ladies, you have to be here! This is just getting more and more exciting every day that it gets closer. Tell your friends, neighbors, sisters, mothers! Everyone must come! There are going to be Mother's Day gifts galore! Start looking at all the shells on so that when you get here you'll know exactly what you want!


Ashley said...

Hi Amiee,
My name is Cassidy Ratliff I am the Team Lead for Miche Bag Home shows (Michelle Romero's home show team). We have a corp team that surfs the internet just looking for Miche contract breeches. Although we cannot control what you put on your blog we would like you to take your pricing off the internet for the Miche bag. It is not a reflection of everyones pricing across the country. Thanks for your cooperation. Please contact me if you have any questions. 801.440.5795